As we at TBORAF have analyzed the outcomes and lessons from the recent midterm elections, commenting on a breakthrough solution to our divided electorate in yesterday's blog post, another key takeaway is the need for serious, feasible, and measured election security solutions. Even after several controversial elections during the last two decades, from Bush v. Gore to 2020, many states have still not moved forward on key issues pertaining to the security of their elections. Some states, like Michigan and Arizona, have even seen dramatic fallout following their recent elections.
However, several states have showcased a path forward for ensuring election integrity.
One such state is Louisiana, recently highlighted in an article written by Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin. From top-down election administration to promote uniformity and rapid response, to banning ballot harvesting, to universal voter ID standards, these reforms and practices have resulted in secure, free, and fair elections that deliver final results on election day without question or controversy. Secretary Ardoin notes how important these common-sense election security solutions are, stating:
Ensuring the integrity and orderly execution of our elections is the most important aspect of my role", said Secretary Kyle Ardoin. "I have to get it right the first time, every time — any deviation from that standard risks losing the trust of the voters. That trust is the lifeblood of our Republic."
Another state that reinforced it's election security measures recently is Ohio, showcased in a Washington Examiner article. The State House of Representatives recently passed OH House Bill 458, encompassing election integrity legislation that includes photo ID requirements to vote, absentee ballot reforms such as reducing the timeframe Board of Elections' can receive ballots after election day, and eliminating absentee drop boxes to only one location per county - their Board of Elections. A state already praised for its robust election operations, Ohio, alongside Louisiana, continue to showcase the path forward on this all-important issue.
These robust yet common-sense election security measures have proven to be successful across the country. Without faith in the security of our elections, our entire constitutional system falls apart. That's why TBORAF has made ensuring every state has fair, safe, and secure elections it's top priority and will continue to work in states across our Republic to ensure these solutions are enacted into law.
"About one-third of Americans agree that TBORAF’s top priority - Election Integrity - is now most important", said TBORAF President John Pudner. "Without fair and reliable election mechanisms, none of the other issues we hold important have a chance."
For more on TBORA's efforts on election integrity, please click here.