Take Back Our Republic Action began circulating a draft resolution for local parties outlining why the practice of same-day registration should not be allowed, and in fact, was even rejected in New York as too liberal a practice.
Draft Legislation Already Passed Its 1st GOP Vote
Whereas same-day voter registration allows a student or recently relocated resident to vote in a Wisconsin election even if they have already voted in another state, and Whereas Wisconsin's current same-day registration law is much more liberal than the law in New York State, where only 38% of voters supported allowing same-day registration (See NewsMax November 1, 2021 story " New York Voters Reject So-Called Democracy Reforms" quote "only 38% of New Yorkers statewide supported same-day registration")
Let it be resolved that Wisconsin law be changed to require registration two weeks before an election to ensure votes are cast by eligible Wisconsin voters who are not also voting in another state.
Does your state allow same-day registration?

We realize some rural western states may have travel issues that justify same-day voter registration, but we encourage you to consider resolutions and legislation requiring voter registration prior to voting.