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March TBAF-in-the-field Madness

Writer's picture: John Pudner, President, TBAFJohn Pudner, President, TBAF

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

My name is Jessica Mims and I serve as Executive Assistant at TBAF to John Pudner, who asked me to send you the bios for me and a new Board Member and three short updates.

First, John has gotten some calls about his (long and thorough) annual “how to fill out your basketball bracket” email, sent yesterday to thousands on his sports list. To limit inbox clutter for those of you getting this email because John considers you one of the top conservative opinion leaders or election reform stakeholders, this year he simply gives you the option of reading his March Madness bracket explanations by clicking on

While John is heading to the tournament later this week (as he did all the years I worked with him prior to TBAF's foundation), he and the rest of the team have been covering an amazing amount of ground. In two days, John, Lars and Johnny have met with candidates in three New England states. Carl Anderson covered several gun shows and a megachurch in one weekend in Missouri (see photos below), while TBAF’s Facebook features Anne Louise Peterson with key legislators in one of seven seven states in which TBAF is registered to lobby or has a PAC (South Carolina).

Finally, John asked me to send the website bios of new board member Meggan Abboud and myself. John made a point of hiring a team that can be entirely in the field, but having partnered with him in the past, I knew he'd need some administrative support and offered to step in part-time. I'm excited to support TBAF in its crucial mission to restore voter confidence in our elections. Please shoot me an email if I can help facilitate any ideas, initiatives or efforts.

Meggan Abboud (left photo, Governing Board). The Boeing Company was a Fortune 10 company during Meggan Abboud’s 17 years as a corporate executive overseeing grassroots advocacy and constituent relations. Current TBAF President John Pudner worked in her effort to facilitate constituent contacts with elected officials in 42 states to win policy legislation to support veterans, energy, the military and business. She also assigned Pudner to launch the efforts of 3-time Super Bowl Champion Riki Ellison to establish the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance and address the need to defend the US from Russian missiles.

She has developed unbeatable tactics for working Congress, the White House and federal agencies, and as President of Red Reveille LLC she recently launched Vets4Vet Leadership, a 501(c)(4) to advance Veteran leadership in Congress.

Jessica Mims (right photo, Executive Assistant). Jessica serves as Executive Assistant to TBAF after 13 years as the Executive Assistant in the External Affairs Department with the Alabama Farmers Federation, The department’s main objective is to oversee all activities of the 3rd largest political PAC in Alabama. Other job duties included planning and executing numerous annual meetings, support for all in-house lobbying, billing and invoicing, and providing campaign services such as door-to-door, campaign mail pieces, tracking campaign financials, and polling. Previously, Jessica worked at Palomar Insurance Corporation (where Board Member Perry Hooper was VP) as Marketing Coordinator - setting up display tables at major events and coordinating outreach to potential policyholders.

As project director for Concentric Direct (Pudner), she conducted programming of blackberries and recruiting and training of door-to-door canvassers who knocked on 168,000 doors in Alabama, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey in 2010 alone. Pudner stated, “There is no one else who ever accomplished more work and wins that were credited to me than Jessica Mims."

Central Field Director Carl Anderson and attendees of a Missouri gun show

President John Pudner, Eastern Field Director Johnny Babilon, National Field Director Lars Wiechmann with Candidate for Governor of Massachusetts Geoff Diehl

Eastern Field Director Johnny Babilon, National Field Director Lars Wiechmann, and President John Pudner with New Hampshire Congressional Candidate (NH-01) Matt Mowers


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