Click here to listen to John Pudner's Fox News Radio reaction to President Biden’s 1st State of the Union.
President Biden’s appeal to FUND the police and tighten the border against illegal immigration was an attempt to do damage control for policies that were condoned and advanced by candidates to win hyper-partisan Democratic primaries.
As discussed in the interview, instant runoffs and Final-Five voting could fix these problems. In fact, similar systems took Virginia away from these fringe elements by producing Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin.
Remove Threat of Spoiler Candidates
In addition, these election innovations would also make it harder for liberals to use another Libertarian spoiler candidate like the one that siphoned enough votes from President Trump to cost him Georgia and Wisconsin. The same could happen this year to candidates like Republican Congressional candidate Monica de la Cruz Hernandez in her bid to win her Congressional race on the Texas-Mexican border. Click here at 9 a.m. Central today for John’s final interview of the Fox News Radio tour with Sergio Sanchez from her district.
These interviews were on Fox News Radio stations across the country starting at 6 a.m. Wednesday.
Biden’s State of the Union Quotes of Note
I also noted that President Biden’s expression of Americans' support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the brave Ukrainian citizenry was expected. The quotes from President Biden that were not expected, and are referenced above were:
“We should all agree: The answer is not to defund the police. The answer is to FUND the police with the resources and training they need to protect our communities.”
“And if we are to advance liberty and justice, we need to secure the border and fix the immigration system.”
How Election Integrity Effects Americans Everyday Life
Americans might not have had to endure the past couple of years of shuttered businesses and tragic scenes of humanitarian crises at the border if politicians were incentivized to embrace common-sense policies. This is precisely the incentive provided by Final-Five or Instant Runoff elections, rather than encouraging candidates to outflank opponents to the far left.
Eliminate Partisan Incentives for Extreme Positions
There is no doubt that much of this instability is caused by political incentives to reach to the outermost edges of both political parties to garner primary support. Politicians persistently promote cutting police funding (thus impairing their ability to protect people and property) when, according to Pew Polls, only 15 percent of Americans want police budgets reduced. Politicians will continue to demonize ICE agents’ patrolling the border even though only 25% of Americans want ICE abolished. Politicians will try to loosen voter integrity rules, in one city even to the point that illegal immigrants can cast a ballot - a move opposed by 71 percent of Americans.
If we do not take this opportunity to fix the election system, these problems persist.
For more on TBORA's efforts on Final Five, please click here.