Wow, below you can click to listen to many of the interviews on the 12 major radio stations throughout the country that featured Take Back Action Fund in the last three days. Thursday started with BloomDaddy in Pittsburgh, as pictured.

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Election Reforms and Instant Runoffs Fix Root Cause of Out-of-Touch Policies
In interviews throughout the country, Take Back Action Fund President John Pudner pointed out that unless election reforms including instant runoff legislation is passed throughout the country, politicians opposed by the majority of their constituents will take office and set policies that are out of touch with the wishes of their constituents, or even hypocritical.
Throughout many of the interviews, Pudner pointed out that White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s claimed international tourists must be tested for Covid within a day of flying while illegal immigrants did not because illegal immigrants are “not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time.” Pudner pointed out that this logic is completely backward since the average illegal immigrant stays in the country for 13.6 years and the average international tourist for 9.8 days.
Further, New York Governor Kathy Hochul (Democratic Party) issued a statement on her official website announcing a $450 million play to bring tourism back to New York she claimed “coincides with Reopening of International Borders.” This amid reports a 7-day quarantine could be enacted which would leave tourists to buy nothing more than UberEats.
Fix the “root” election issues rather than focusing on symptoms like these statements.
The following are notes and in many cases the audio on each of the 12 radio interviews:
Fox News Radio Interviews - Thursday, December 2,2021
1. WJAS Pittsburgh, PA - 0705AM ET / 0605AM CT - For the first of many interviews, Pudner noted the hypocrisy between the 13.6 year average stay of illegal immigrants who do not need to be tested for Covid and the 9.8 days average stay for international tourists who do. This is the result of politicians who are completely out of touch, to which the hosts suggested someone ask Jen Psaki what she thinks staying too long is.
2. WERC Birmingham, AL - 0720AM ET / 0620AM CT (no recording available) - Pudner first noted the runoffs (and in the case of military overseas voters instant runoffs) used in Alabama to ensure politicians need to get a majority of the vote are the exceptions - with 43 states allowing officials be to elected with a minority of the vote.
3. WTKS Savannah, GA - 0745AM ET / 0645AM CT - Pudner noted the out-of-touch leadership may have played a part in the 330,000 New Yorkers who left the city last year, and joked that he was concerned 70,000 of them moved to a battleground state Maine. After noting Southerners might be spoiled by systems that require a majority vote, and noting the spread of instant runoff laws is part of “working on these election reforms so we can get a more representative and in-touch government!”
4. WSJK Champaign, IL - 0808AM ET / 0708AM CT - The first Midwestern interview of the day took the discussion of election reforms to the southern border of Pudner’s home state of Wisconsin.
5. KFTK St. Louis, MO - 0815AM ET / 0715AM CT - Marc Cox, Emmy award-winning veteran of Television News interviewed Pudneron for “We are Learning Something Here”

The Ends: Politicians Being Out of Touch on Issues Like Covid (2 minute, 49 second mark)
Cox: We are talking to John Pudner, President of Take Back Action Fund. I have to ask …the American people in my opinion are really growing tired of this and they look at states like Florida who have taken the opposite approach of Joe Biden … and the Governor of Illinois and the Governor in California and all of these blue states, and they are like … well, they have freedom in Florida. They are not facing any of these restrictions, these mask requirements, these requirements in schools and everything seems to be going find down there. What does that portend for them for 2022 in your opinion.
(3:29 mark)
Pudner: I think it’s a big problem. And of course, they tried to vilify (Governor Ron) DeSantis in Florida but last week the report out was that Florida had lowest per capita numbers of new Covid cases in the country, while Michigan had the highest. Almost opposite extremes on reacting to it. I take Covid seriously, but I think DeSantis has laid this out right from the beginning. We are going to trust science. We are going to protect the vulnerable. We know who dies of this and steps we have to take. I live in Wisconsin but we I was just down in Florida with family last week, and it is wide open, within certain caution and people being responsible. There is a reason 330,000 people left New York last year.
(end 4:19)
The Means to Fix the Ends: Enact Election Reforms like Instant Runoffs (4:23 mark)
Cox: … One of the issues you guys are looking at is election reform and what went wrong in 2020 … What is your organization doing to address that problem, because you are in Wisconsin, one of the states that has to look at this as well?
Pudner: We need election integrity issues. I think we need to bring instant runoffs where you have to have a majority to win. You need to people to trust who wins the election and you need the people who win to have majority support. So if you can do things like cleaning voter rules, Voter ID laws and take these integrity steps so voters trust these results. One thing the Southern States do have going to them is these runoffs so you need to appeal to the 50 percent, and if you are in New York appealing to the squad then you are not appealing to 50 percent.
Cox: … A lot of these states in question have Republican legislators. They are the ones who can impact this, and impact it quickly.
(ends at 6:00 minute mark)
6. KBIZ Ottumwa, IA - 0947AM ET / 8:47 am CT - In addition to the serious election reform and out-of-touch policy decisions being discussed again, the first mention of the Big Ten football championship featuring Michigan against Iowa was brought up in the first of multiple interviews in both states. Pudner was even thanked by the Iowa host for his home state of Wisconsin’s team losing to allow Iowa into the championship (We are all Big Ten and need to stick together. You did us a solid (Wisconsin’s loss), much appreciated. On a more serious note, the cost-benefit concerns of shutting gyms so that someone with diabetes might gain 30 pounds. South Africa was thanked for informing the world of their variant cases, with the concern that due to their flights being banned other countries might not come forward.
7. WHO Des Moines, IA - 1006AM ET / 0906AM CT - After welcoming Pudner back to Iowa radio, the host noted that the South African doctor who discovered variant then went on tour to stress the impacts were minimal. It was also noted that every Covid decision now seems political - with some advocating anti-travel measures after calling President Trump a racist for shutting down some flights when Covid began. It was also noted that in six months President Biden’s support from Independent voters of his handling Covid had dropped from 60 percent to 43 percent.
8. WJR Detroit, MI - 1018AM ET / 0918AM CT - Pudner stated TBAF believes in instant runoff, which would help by requiring candidates needed a majority to win. Pudner noted another positive election reform was Virginia deciding to count the early votes they received before election day. In Pudner’s parting he wished luck in the Big Ten game, and the host stated Michigan would win and be in the College Football Playoff.
9. WILS Lansing, MI - Will air Friday.
10. KID Idaho Falls, ID, will air Friday on the 4 p.m. show - TBAF never minds discussing contrary views, and in this case the host stated she did not support instant runoffs, though she did acknowledge Pudner’s arguments in favor.
11. Human Events podcast was recorded Friday to post Monday. Turning Point co-founder Brent Hamachek and Pudner discussed the balance between winning people over on needed Election Reforms that will instill confidence in the process while rejecting Sidney Powell and Lin Wood - who accomplished nothing but suppressing Republican votes with their post election tactics.
12. Opelika,AL - Tuesday - TBAF’s Ashley Sellers 3-part interview is covered in this previous blog.
For more on TBORA's efforts on election integrity, please click here.